Fill out the form below to apply for YTG support.

Your Name:


Contact Details:



Postal Address (courier):

What major event(s) or initiatives(s) are you working towards?

If you have a fundraising goal, how much do you need to fundraise in total, and how much have you raised to date?

Please give a brief overview of your recent achievements (up to 24 months):

Please upload here at least one photo you are happy for us to share on social media, our websites and/or for promotional purposes:
(Upload files cannot be larger than 5M)

If you have any supporting documents you'd like to share, please upload these here (e.g. letter of invitation):
(Upload files cannot be larger than 5M)

Should you be successful for a financial grant, please enter the bank account you would like funds deposited into:

Once we have received your application, we will be in touch within seven working days. If you don’t hear from us within two weeks please email enquiries@cookietime.co.nz

If you are awarded a $250 financial grant, you will automatically be considered for one of the three larger financial grants made per annum, of up to $5000. Should you be awarded this, you will be notified by telephone or email (no notifications will be made otherwise).

By submitting this application I confirm I am consenting to allow Cookie Time Charitable Trust, OSM & Cookie Time Limited to use the information and images supplied for social media, our websites and/or for promotional purposes: